Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Cooper is Walking

Cooper is walking.......Tara sent Grandma and Papa a video of little Cooper walking on saturday! They called tonight and Cooper was eating cucumber and dill cottage cheese. Yum according to him! I have to work on my next quilt block to send my friend Donna. This block will be Texas bound. Donna has several block swaps going on. I wish I had more to share with! "Sons of Anarchy" is on an "Daddy" and I watch that together, so must sign off!

1 comment:

  1. Hello my friend..I was catching up on my blog reading and I want to tell you how sorry I am over the loss of your Momma Kitty. Last month my 12 year old kitty went to sleep in the middle of the kitchen floor and never woke up. His name was Antonio Banderas de Cato, we called him Andy and he was a mean old cat that no one really loved. But I had his Momma, Chica, until she died. I had given Andy to a good friend of mine who kept him for a year and gave him back. So 11 years later and poor old Andy went to Kitty heaven.
    Now on to the Cooper news! Tell him Congradulations! And remember we spend the first year of our children's life teaching them to walk and talk, and the next 18 years telling them to sit down and shut up!
    I am looking forward to your next block, this one is so pretty.
    Have a great day Patty!
    Peace & Prayers, Donna
